[인턴] SAP KOREA 교육사업본부 2022년 상반기 인턴 채용

  • 관리자
  • 2022-02-18
  • 866

[인턴] SAP KOREA 교육사업본부 2022년 상반기 인턴 채용


[SAP Education Korea Internship Program]


[Job Title]

Education Operation and Delivery support (Internship Program)


[Job Category]

Education Operation and Delivery


[Job Responsibilities]

Customer Service : Support Univ & Govt Funded Programs delivery

- Univ & Govt Funded Programs Training Support

- Inbound & confirmation call about Univ & Govt Funded Programs attendees

- Follow up Email Queries about Univ & Govt Funded Programs

- Univ & Govt Funded Programs Training registration support

- Managing participant list of Univ & Govt Funded Programs

- Supporting Promotion Univ & Govt Funded Programs

- Check attendance management and support the trainer during the training.

- Ordering hard copies of teaching materials of Univ & Govt Funded Programs training

- Managing the document of training like attendee list, writing training log

- Support the delivery operation of Design Thinking workshop in the classroom

- Following up with Certification & Learning Hub Email queries about Certification

- Support Certification proctor & certification exam room



- In process of undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree

- Fluent in English (Written, Verbal)

- Good communication skill

- Excellence in MS Office (PPT, Excel, Word etc.)

- Excellence in HanGul Office


[Preferred Qualifications]

- Excellent written and verbal communication in English

- Good stakeholder management skill

- Good knowledge of Education and Human Resources Development

- Strong business acumen; communication skill

- Strong with details and able to multi-task

- Education, Pedagogy, Educational Technology Major



SAP Korea (Dogokdong, Gangnamgu, Seoul, Korea)


[Work Period]

From March 2022 to September 2022 (6 months)




1) 20222/ 20228월 국내 외 학사(석사) 재학생 및 졸업 예정자

2) 교육/인문/상경 계열 전공자 우대

3) 교육 업무에 관심 있는 자

4) 영어 & MS Office능력 우수자

5) 20223월 입사 및 6개월 근무 가능자



1) 접수처: Email 통해 서류 접수

- Email 접수 kevin.kim02@sap.com / Email 제목: SAP Intern 지원_홍길동

2) 제출서류: 자유양식의 국문 및 영문 Resume Cover Letter (*지원 시 필히 제출 요망)

3) 접수마감: 2022225()까지

4) 서류합격발표: 서류 마감 후 2~3일 내 개별 안내 예정 (*해당 주 면접 진행 예정)

5) 전화문의 : 02-2194-2643



- 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자

- 전형일정은 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.

- 지원서 내용이 사실과 다른 경우, 합격(입사)이 취소됩니다.



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